As our armies get larger, the point of the "neutral" armies becomes less and less. So two idea, please let me know which you prefer.
1) any time an army has a 3-1 points advantage, we just assume they win via massacre and move on.
2) We up the size of the neutral armies.
I lean somewhat towards the first both to save time and since there has been less of people playing armies they do not normally play than I hoped for...but i am up for the latter, too, as I am really enjoying the alternative scenarios.
Feedback much appreciated.
Imperial Guard get their first run
Took what will eventually be my Cadian 317th Regiment "The Lost and
Forlorn" out for their first game last night. Went up against a fun
Genestealer cult l...
6 years ago
I would prefer upping the size of neutral armies. But undoubtably in both campaigns (more so the large one), size of warbanners can easily get excessive. A cap on how many points a banner can hold may be a good idea (not that I don't want to have 10,000 point warbanners)
Maybe designated warhosts that can handle a larger cap?
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