1) they were unfamiliar with the rules
2) there should have been one overall general
3) they don't really have a grasp of proper troop usage.
I did not really design any of the armies with a specific strategy, I just put out the available models and put together whatever units there were. With that said, here is a look at the opening set-ups.

This battle has more or less been decided already and it was decided by the set-up. Kenneth, playing the Dark Elves, has an army built around...well, I would explain it this way.
"If it moves, it is probably dangerous. Shoot it a lot. If it doesn't move, it is probably dangerous. Shoot it a lot. If you already shot it and can still see it, shoot it. A lot."
And he set up for that. He has Crossbowmen surrounding Repeater Bolt Throwers set up to control the center of the table. To protect his flanks he has fast-moving troops and backing up his crossbowmen he has good close combat troops.
In other words, he will get plenty of shooting in as they come across the field, then attack weakened units that manage to get through.
The 25 man skink unit (the orange ones) meanwhile, instead of providing a screen to absorb that shooting while the hand-to-hand Goblin troops move forward is located on the extreme edge of the field in a compact unit. They should be the front line and skirmishing, covering about 30" of frontage to keep those Repeater Crossbows and Repeater bolt throwers from chewing up key units.
I like the archers being the full 20 across, but they should be A) in skirmish formation, B) behind the skinks, and C) have the hand-to-hand units behind them. This would give a second layer of protection. That would provide a minimum of 2 turns of marching towards the Elves without getting shot at for the Hand to Hand troops...possibly even 3 or 4 turns if a couple break tests are passes.
The Goblin army really should be concentrated rather than spread out over maximum distance. Also, I really don't like marching up the middle when that is where the Dark Elves set up their firepower.
In short, great set-up for the Dark Elves, poor set-up for the Goblins means the Elves will do lots of shooting at selected targets and run lots of Goblins off the table before the Goblins can lock them up in close combat.

It did not help that the Spider Riders failed 2 Animosity tests in three turns. The Dark Elves shot the Goblin archers up pretty badly. The center of the field was theirs. At this point, the Goblin/Lizardman army should ignore the center and swing wide, trying to roll up the flanks.

Well set-up by the Dark Elves and a great field for their shooting-reliant army.
But we do need to make sure the other players know what the options are for their army. Good learning experience for all of us I think.
But we do need to make sure the other players know what the options are for their army. Good learning experience for all of us I think.
Well i totally blame the loss on the "other" generals. haha no it was definitely a good learning experience, i felt like i learned more from that battle then the previous 2. But sadly having three relative newbies made for quite the disorganized chaos. very goblin like indeed!
Oops feel free to delete this and the comment above it i was experimenting with different identities :p
I would tend to agree...too many cooks spoil the broth...or in this case, too many generals leads to your troops getting crushed piecemeal...but you are all on your own this week!
And good news...you have yet another 20 goblin spearmen to use if you wish, just arrived today
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