Monday, June 8, 2009

Warhammer Wars for Saturday, June 13, 2009

Fellow Warmongers,
We shall once again engage in battle upon a field of battle, a "battle-field", if you will; on Saturday, June 13, 2009, at say.... 10 A.M. (so probably actually begin at 11, with the intent to finish before Tim's graduation party). It shall be at the Kennithian fields in Saint Helens, Oregon. Because it seems likely that the grudge-writing ownership-recording goodish people of Campaignsville will be absent, it will not likely be written in the campaign books. If that is the case, it shall be Fuller's Lizardmen of Green Pouponsville vs. the Proud and Wonderful, Honorable Dark Elves of Kennithia in a 2500 point battle to the pain. As should be the case, the taint of Chaos will be evident in a 2500 point battle ready army, as well as a possible smaller detachment if the case calls for it (perhaps a 1-1.5k battle if preferred by his opponent?). As for the Ogres of Snotsville, the Cristened Vampires of Crisonia, the non-hetero elves of Hookahsville, near Rick City, the Orcs and Gobbos of Whoeverwantstousethemismasichisticallyinsane, the Dwarves of Stumpy's Guns and Ammo at the Y, the Brettonians of Liam the Young, and whoever else I've forgotten, as for you all, please RSVP so we can accomodate your spot in concrete.
his everlasting wonderfulness most powerful and benevolent


Darth Weasel said...

11 is too early for me, it is pretty near physically impossible to get out of bed before about 1 or 2.

I had been told Tim's thing was the 7th, so looks like I was badly misinformed. What time is his party? I might be a total scratch. Bummer and bummed. I need more Warhammer in my life.

Liam said...

This is my RSVP for the 13th (even if it still occurs without the oh so glorious presence of the great Chaos warmongers...)

Liam said...

Also we could consider moving it to either the 20th or the 27th(Father's Day weekend probably wouldn't work for some people)

Darth Weasel said...

I heard you were out of town?

We might have another game one of those days, though I think the 27th is poker night

Unknown said...

Tim's party is supposed to be from 4-7. That means the battle will probably have to end at or before 3.
I do not think either of those weeks will work for me.
In the immortal words of the great wordsmith:
"It hath been broughten!"

Liam said...

No I don't plan on being out of town, unless you know something I don't.

I guess we could have two games... One for the monthly one, and one for Darth, but thats alot of Saturday's taken up.

kennyB said...

I am here most weekends except the last weekend of each month when I usually get stuck doing inventory. Other than that, any Saturday usually works for me. Unless of course, people are doing crazy stuff like "graduating".
Perhaps we can work something in for the week of the 20th if too many are busy this weekend.....(except for Fullur of course, you I get to beat up this weekend, and play Warhammer too, no matter WHAT!)

kennyB said...

Actually, now that I think about it, if a Bret/Chaos game started at around 1 or 2, it could quite conceivably end by 4, thereby circumventing the problem of scheduling conflicts with Tim's Graduation Party....

...the spreads like... I can't believe it's not butter!!!

Liam said...

And why have you, oh revered one, pitted me against Drew once again?

Mmmmhmmm... Chaos butter.

Darth Weasel said...

Liam, what size game were you thinking and what time?

Liam said...

You mean on the 20th of this month?

kev said...

I can probably swing the 20th ok. On the 27th, hopefully you guys will come to my graduation BBQ at Pam's house. (1pm)

Darth Weasel said...

Seems there has been some confusion so I will just do it this way:

I will be out there this Saturday, the 13th, and will bring 1500 and 2500 point lists, so if I have an opponent, I will get in a game. I will probably get out there around noon or 1.

On the 20th, if people want to play, that is cool too, I will bring the same lists. Just let me know ahead of time.

Kev, I have not heard about this, but congratulations on the graduation! I will mark it on my calendar. Saturday the 27th at 1 at Pam Fischers? What should I/we bring?

Liam said...

Ok that really cleared it up.
And happy Graduation Kevin!

kennyB said...

I fail to see why it is called a "graduation" when you achieve "potty-trained", but I will celebrate with you anyway.


As to your question as to why you would be pitted against Chaos Liam:
Phillip and I already had planned a 2500 pt game between him and I in the absence of a campaign game, which we figured was fairly likely to miss once again. Kev has already said he will not likely be there, Cris is in the air but I figure not probable, Rick has stated an intention to quite possibly be out of town on an organized bike ride, and I haven't heard from or about Chad or Pete in quite some time. Since Drew IS planning on being here, I figured if anybody showed up Chaos would be the challenger. :)

Liam said...

If logic dictates. Hopefully I will be a more worthy opponent.

Liam said...

Drew tell me what time your going to shoot to be there, and lets say 2000 point armies?

Darth Weasel said...

2000 it is. I will really, really try to be there by 12:30 but we will see. If I get any sleep, it will be that time for sure.